Friday, July 15, 2011

FOUND: Great Style

I have to digress from my normal parenting banter to hoot and holler about a fashion blogger I just found.

I have always loved clothes. Getting dressed to go ANYWHERE is a fun, challenging thing for me. In the beginning, around 2nd grade, I didn't want my style to be boring or repetitive, so I wrote down what I wore to school each day. And when I had to ditch the crotched vest my grandmother gave me, that my mother made me wear... well, I had a record of everytime I did it and where I put it, so I wouldn't forget to pick it up on my way home.

By 8th grade, I monitored my designer jeans: Jordache, Calvin Klein, and Sassoon (purchased at Saks 5th Avenue in New York on the real 5th Avenue). These were jeans that couldn't be washed everyday, but I surely couldn't make the mistake of wearing my Calvins two days in a row.

I'm really tempted right now to tell my life story in clothes, but suffice it to say that although I'm now 43 years old, I still love fashion. I'm a style magazine junkie and a clothes horse. AND, for the past few years I have been looking for a cool blog that talks about fashion in a way that fits MY STYLE. I'm not a punker or one of those that get away with things that are too funky or too youthful. AND, there's my size to deal with. I am SERIOUSLY petite. At 4' 11" proportion can be challenging.


So this blog What I Wore is no big secret. Writer, Jessica Quirk has been profiled in magazines like Seventeen, marie claire, Glamour, Lucky and more. She's been on CNN and even on WTHR in Indianapolis last week when her book, "What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for Personal Style" was released. This fashion blogger is everywhere!!! (See her list of press here)

It was the book that I found first--just yesterday while at Barnes and Noble on a mission for something else, I found the book and thought I'd buy now and look later. I bought it based on the title alone. I'm always looking for fashion-related gifts for my BFF Lisa Lev. We do the Nordstrom Anniversary sale together every year and we talk endlessly throughout the year about work clothes and appropriate dresses for fundraisers and weddings. It's a fun thing that has bonded us since she was in middle school and I was her MTV-era Mary Poppins babysitter.

Last night, after the kids were in bed, I picked up the book and flipped out at how cool it was. This morning, I spent some time with the blog and I'm hooked on Jessica Quirk!!

AND how cool is it that she's from Bloomington, Indiana? A fashionista, a style icon, right in my own back yard. I love it.

And not only do I love the idea of such a cool, fashion forward, writer so close to home, but I also really love the clothes. Jessica's daily outfits (which she has been recording on her blog with photo assistance from her husband, for the last FOUR YEARS!!) are the types of outfits that I would not only get inspiration from, but might also copy.

I know that most of you who read this could really care less about fashion, but I've got to plug this incredibly cute fellow IU grad.

Check it out

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